New Choices Career Development Program Features Mock Interviews
(Delaware and Chester Counties, PA • November 20, 2018)—Delaware County Community College’s New Choices Career Development program features mock interview sessions as part of the career development curriculum. With newly created résumés, students have an opportunity to improve their interviewing skills by practicing one-on-one with business professionals.
New Choices is a FREE, six-week career exploration and job re-entry program that provides individual and group support, career planning workshops, employer contacts, networking opportunities, résumé writing, interviewing techniques, as well as basic computer skills. Our goal is to assist participants in reaching economic independence by finding and retaining employment and/or training.
Applications are now being accepted for the next session, which begins the week of January 22. To apply, please call 610-359-5232. Sessions are offered at the College’s Marple Campus (901 South Media Line Road, Media, PA).
(left to right): Terri Cooper-Smith, interviewer from Pennsylvania Utility Commission, with Pete Mikulich of Collegeville

(left to right): Lapina Burris of Collingdale with interviewer Camille Evans of Penn Medicine

(left to right): Nick Pacitti, interviewer from Monarch Staffing, with Gwen Beebe of Wallingford