A.F.A. Foundations Exhibition Spring 2021

Welcome to the spring 2021 virtual A.F.A. Foundations Exhibition! This exhibition features nearly 200 pieces created over the 2019-2020 academic year by students registered for foundation art courses at Delaware County Community College. This exhibition is unique in that not all of the students exhibited are Art majors, since many of the first year courses can be taken without any art prerequisites. The purpose of the foundation year is to prepare visual art students for a seamless transition into higher-level course work. Art students interested in pursuing an Associate of Fine Arts Degree in Studio Art, Graphic Design or Photography are required to complete a common core of foundation art courses designed to provide students with studio-based experience in the fundamental issues of art and design. This exhibition is usually held on campus during the fall semester, but due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s exhibition is presented entirely in an online format.
The work to be included in each student exhibition is chosen by the program's current full-time Art faculty. An independent juror is then invited to choose the exceptional pieces from the work in the exhibition to receive Purchase and Honorable Mention awards. Gerard F. Brown, Associate Professor and Chairperson of Art at Temple University’s Tyler School of Art and Architecture was invited by the art faculty to jury the award recipients in this exhibition.
Funding for this annual exhibition is made possible by the Educational Foundation, Campus Life Office, and Communication, Arts and Humanities Division of Delaware County Community College.
Purchase Award Recipients
Guoren Li
Charcoal on paper
Drawing I (ART 130), Spring 2020
Alexis Perrone
Graphite on paper
Drawing II (ART 131), Fall 2019
Brianna Tucker
Acrylic on canvas
Painting I (ART 140), Spring 2020
Kosovar Cocaj
Ink on board
2D Design (ART 122), Fall 2019
Chrissie Fackenthall
Acrylic on board
Color & Design (ART 123), Fall 2019
Gabriella D’Ambrosio
Computer Illustration (ART 208), Fall 2019
Jinyao Zhong
Digital Imaging (ART 211), Spring 2020
Emma Brown
Digital Photography I (ART 236), Fall 2019
Brian Powell
Mixed media on paper
Drawing as a Design Process (ART 136), Spring 2020
Honorable Mention Recipients
Avery Wilson
Graphite on paper
Drawing I (ART 130), Summer 2020
Mehdi Ali Khan
Acrylic on canvas paper
Painting I (ART 140), Spring 2020
Andrew Smarowsky
Photography I (ART 133), Fall 2019
Maya Noble
Ink on board
2D Design (ART 122), Summer 2020
Andrew Verrecchia
Digital Imaging (ART 211), Spring 2020
Kenneth Cericola
3D Design (ART 124), Fall 2019